Tag: 100 Strokes of the Brush Before Bed

Another erotic memoire – this one starring a pouty teen – Jessica Joffe su The New York Observer
lunedì 18 Ottobre, 2004Dicono di me
Contrary to what you might expect, 100 Strokes of the Brush Before Bed has almost nothing to do with hair-maintenance. The artfully obscured young thing on the cover of this book (she’s brushing a chunk of hair across her face) is the author and protagonist—or heroine, as she would no doubt prefer—of an X-rated fairy […]

Afterschool schockfest – Carrie Hill Wilner su Nerve.com
lunedì 4 Ottobre, 2004Dicono di me
If you consider the tale of a teenage girl fucking a married man in the ass with a vinyl dildo a raunchy one, then Melissa Panarello, author of 100 Strokes of the Brush Before Bed (translated from Italian by Lawrence Venuti), has written a veritably raunchy book. The facts that it’s an “autobiographical novel” and […]

Sophie Aire su The Observer
lunedì 2 Febbraio, 2004Dicono di me
Barefoot and without make-up, Melissa Panarello is curled up on the sofa in a cluttered flat in a dark backstreet near the Colosseum. She nibbles on bread sticks, holding them as if they were cigarettes, and emits gems of worldly wisdom on her field of expertise: teenage sex. ‘I always thought sexuality was normalissimo,’ she […]

My book is erotic not pornographic – Richard Owen su The Times
giovedì 29 Gennaio, 2004Dicono di me
When police raided a lap dance club at San Dona di Piave near Venice the other day they found that the “dancers” were all under eighteen. The place was awash with drugs, and the gyrating “Lolitas” said they were ready for sex “with anyone we take a fancy to”, according to Il Giornale. “This”, said […]

That’s amore for Italian teen – or is it? Frank Bruni sul New York Times
mercoledì 24 Dicembre, 2003Dicono di me
Edit the story just a bit, and it becomes a heartwarming tale of early ambition and unpredictable success. A teenage girl from a nowhere town pours her heart into prose. A risk-taking publisher turns that prose into a book. It outsells almost everything else in Italy, making its author famous. That is an accurate enough […]